Course Schedule


Date Topic Research Article Presentation Zoom Meetings and Submission Deadlines
Thu. 2/4 Class Introduction Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM

Required Reading (Read Before the First Class):

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2014). Essential linguistics: What teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar (2nd ed.). (pp. 1-20) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.



Submission 1 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2014). Essential linguistics: What teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar (2nd ed.). (pp. 21-50) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Thu. 2/11 First Language Acquisition Genesee, F., Lindholm-Leary, K., Saunders, W., & Christian, D. (2005). English language learners in US schools: An overview of research findings. Journal of Education for students placed at risk10(4), 363-385. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 2/17 Submission 2 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2014). Essential linguistics: What teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar (2nd ed.). (pp. 52-83) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Thu. 2/18 Teaching Writing and Spelling to ELLs Tse, L. (2001). Resisting and reversing language shift: Heritage-language resilience among US native biliterates. Harvard educational review71(4), 676-709. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 2/24 Submission 3 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2014). Essential linguistics: What teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar (2nd ed.). (pp. 119-145) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Recommended Reading:

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2014). Essential linguistics: What teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar (2nd ed.). (pp. 84-118) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Thu. 2/25 Building Student Oral Language Skills


Gámez, P. B., & Lesaux, N. K. (2012). The relation between exposure to sophisticated and complex language and early‐adolescent English‐only and language minority learners’ vocabulary. Child Development83(4), 1316-1331.  Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 3/3 Submission 4 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2014). Essential linguistics: What teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar (2nd ed.). (pp. 146-179) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.



Teaching Spelling to ELLs Palmer, B. C., El‐Ashry, F., Leclere, J. T., & Chang, S. (2007). Learning From Abdallah: A case study of an Arabic‐Speaking child in a US school. The Reading Teacher61(1), 8-17. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 3/10 Submission 5 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2014). Essential linguistics: What teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar (2nd ed.). (pp. 209-229) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Recommended Reading:

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2014). Essential linguistics: What teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar (2nd ed.). (pp. 180-208) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Thu. 3/11 The Role of Morphology in English Language Learning Broom, Y. (2004). Reading English in multilingual South African primary schools. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism7(6), 506-528. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 3/17 Submission 6 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2014). Essential linguistics: What teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar (2nd ed.). (pp. 265-287) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Recommended Reading:

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2014). Essential linguistics: What teachers need to know to teach ESL, reading, spelling, grammar (2nd ed.). (pp. 230-264) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Thu. 3/18 Teaching Grammar in ESL Classrooms Silverman, R. D., Proctor, C. P., Harring, J. R., Doyle, B., Mitchell, M. A., & Meyer, A. G. (2014). Teachers’ instruction and students’ vocabulary and comprehension: An exploratory study with English monolingual and Spanish–English bilingual students in Grades 3–5. Reading Research Quarterly49(1), 31-60. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 3/24 Submission 7 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Dixon, L. Q., Zhao, J., Shin, J. Y., Wu, S., Su, J. H., Burgess-Brigham, R., … & Snow, C. (2012). What we know about second language acquisition: A synthesis from four perspectives. Review of Educational Research82(1), 5-60.



Overview of Second Language Acquisition Field Nguyen, T. K., & Astington, J. W. (2014). Reassessing the bilingual advantage in theory of mind and its cognitive underpinnings. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 17(2), 396-409. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 4/7 Submission 8 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

O’Grady, W., Dobrovolsky, M., & Katamba, F. (Eds.). (1997). Contemporary linguistics. (pp. 391-413) St. Martin’s.



Interlanguage Hoff, E. (2013). Interpreting the early language trajectories of children from low-SES and language minority homes: implications for closing achievement gaps. Developmental psychology49(1), 4. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 4/14 Submission 9 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

O’Grady, W., Dobrovolsky, M., & Katamba, F. (Eds.). (1997). Contemporary linguistics. (pp. 413-426) St. Martin’s.



English Language Education Gebhard, M. (2004). Fast capitalism, school reform, and second language literacy practices. The Modern Language Journal88(2), 245-265. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 4/21 Submission 10 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Bialystok, E., & Hakuta, K. (1994). In Other Words. (pp. 1-10; 204-219) New York: Basic Books.



Psychology & Bilingual Pedagogy Bialystok, E., Luk, G., & Kwan, E. (2005). Bilingualism, biliteracy, and learning to read: Interactions among languages and writing systems. Scientific studies of reading, 9(1), 43-61. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 4/28 Submission 11 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Barac, R., & Bialystok, E. (2011). Cognitive development of bilingual children. Language Teaching, 44(1), 36-54.



The History of Research on the Psychology of Bilingualism Bialystok, E., & Craik, F. I. (2010). Cognitive and linguistic processing in the bilingual mind. Current directions in psychological science, 19(1), 19-23. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 5/5 Submission 12 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Snow, C. E., & Kang, J. Y. (2007). Becoming bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural. Handbook of child psychology, 4.



Sociology & Bilingual Education Dixon, L. Q. (2005). Bilingual education policy in Singapore: An analysis of its sociohistorical roots and current academic outcomes. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 8(1), 25-47. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM
Wed. 5/12 Submission 13 Due by 11:59 PM

Required Reading:

Ruiz, R. (1984). Orientations in language planning. NABE journal, 8(2), 15-34.



Language Planning Bayley, R., Schecter, S. R., & Torres-Ayala, B. (1996). Strategies for bilingual maintenance: Case studies of Mexican-origin families in Texas. Linguistics and education, 8(4), 389-408. Zoom Meeting @ 4:50 PM